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Early Years Outcomes 2015-2016


All schools make a judgement about the percentage of children who leave the Foundation Stage with a "good level of development" (GLD).  These children have reached at least the expected level in the majority of aspects including reading, writing and number. 


At Weyford Infant School and Nursery, there is a rapidly increasing percentage of children achieving a good level of development with 69% of children achieving that level in 2016 compared to 61.4% in 2015 and just 43.4% in 2014.  The school is now achieving in line with the national average.


Adaptations have been made to the Early Years provision including more opportunities for children to follow their own interests in learning, increasing use of the outdoor environment, a more robust approach to the teaching of phonics, reading and mathematics and clearly shared expectations of the key writing skills children should be developing at this age.  


Year 1 Phonics Test 2015-2016


​In year 1, all children nationally undertake a phonics test in June.  The children have to read 40 words using a phonics approach.  Some of these words are real words and others are made up "alien" words to ensure that the children are using their phonics  and not relying on sight vocabulary or memory.  In order to achieve the expected level the children need to read at least 32 of these 40 words correctly.

In 2016 67% of the cohort achieved the expected level which was a considerable improvement on the 2015 data where 52% of the cohort achieved the expected level.  The school uses the "Read, Write, Inc." scheme to teach the children phonics and reading.  All children now have a formal phonics session as their first lesson of the day taught in small groups by all the adults in the school.  Thought has been given to energising these sessions and engaging the children's interest through increased use of games and active learning.  The children then have another session each day where they work on guided reading and other reading activities to develop their comprehension skills.  It is when word attack skills and comprehension skills are combined that children become proficient readers.


Key Stage 1 Results 2015-2016


These are the teacher assessments made at the end of key stage 1 in year 2 when children are 6 or 7 years old.  These assessments are teacher assessments based on knowledge of the children over the year; they are moderated with some national testing materials.


​2016 was the first year that children were assessed against the new curriculum.  Judgements are now made as to whether a child is working at the expected level for their age or working beyond the expected levels for their age i.e. at greater depth.  In order to be judged to be working at the expected level for their age, the child needs to have demonstrated that they have consistently met all the criteria at that level in each subject area.


​The table below indicates the outcomes for 2015-2016 cohort which was for 42 children; therefore each child is worth a little more than 2%.




Number at at least expected level 

Percentage at at least expected level 

Number working at greater depth 

Percentage working at greater depth 































2016 Information

KS1 Comparative Report 2015
