The Governing Body has adopted the County Council Primary Schools’ Admissions Policy. There are 270 places in the school and, at present, Weyford Infant School is not full. Governors expect to be able to offer places to all children who apply for a place in 2016. However in the unlikely event that we are oversubscribed we will allocate places following the criteria in the Admissions Policy, a copy of which can be found below.
The Governing Body has adopted the County Council Nursery Admissions Policy which is available from the school office on request. Parents of any child living in the local area may apply for a nursery place using the form below. A hard copy of the form is also available from the school office. A place in the nursery does not guarantee a place in Year R at Weyford Infant School and parents are free to apply for a place at any other school.
Early Childcare
Children may apply for a childcare place in Weyford Infant School Nursery from 2 years 6 months. Places will be offered subject to availability after each school holiday. i.e. November, January, February, April and June. Children will initially be offered one or two sessions at a cost of £3.80 per hour. Further sessions may be offered if available.
Where there are more applications than places, priority will be given to older children using the criteria outlined in the Local Authority Nursery Admissions Policy.