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Sports Premium

Sport Premium Funding: Academic Year 2016-2017

Weyford Infant School is expecting to receive £8,600 sport premium funding to support PE across the school this academic year.  The funding will be paid into the school in two amounts, one in the autumn term and one in the spring term.  The funding will therefore be paid in two different financial years.


In the academic year 2016 -2017 the school will be spending the allocation in three main ways:

Weekly gugafit workshops and lunchtime sport club – all year                                    £7,000

Funding sport coaches during sports week – summer term 2017                                 £1,000 

Buying additional playground equipment -                                                                  £600


Weekly Gugafit Sessions

Gugafit workshops benefit all children in the school.  They are well-structured according to the age of the children and are designed to be fun and engaging.  The sessions ensure high levels of active participation designed to raise each child’s heart rate and increase their stamina for sporting activities.  The coach, Mr Dan White, has tested the fitness levels of all key stage 1 children and we are expecting to see a term on term improvement in these over the course of the year.


The teachers regularly observe and support the sessions which increases their ability to ensure their own PE sessions are increasingly active.


Sports Club

Mr White runs a sport club for one lunchtimes each week.  This builds team work while working on specific sporting skills.  The focus of the club varies depending upon the interests of the children.


Sports Week

In the summer term, the school holds a sport week and, for the first time last year, this included a sports day.  This provides pupils with the opportunity to try new and different sporting activities and also provides a forum for parents to be involved in this aspect of school life.


Playground Equipment

The school benefits from three well-resourced outdoor play areas and also has access to the junior school field.  In order to encourage children to be active in their free time at morning breaks and lunchtimes, a range of outdoor play equipment is made available.

Sports Premium Funding: Academic Year  2015-2016


During the academic year 2015-2016 the school received £8,609 in sport premium funding.  This was received in two amounts as detailed below.



30.6.2015              £3,592

17.11.2015            £5,017


Total                    £8,609




The sport premium was spent on


PE equipment                                      £634.52

PE benches                                          £667.50

Fencing for playground                       £3,670.48

Sport week dance workshops                 £120.00

Sport week tutor                                  £400.00

Gugafit workshops                             £3,000.00

CM Sports Ltd – Bordon Tournament      £157.50


Total                                                  £8,650.00





PE equipment and fencing

The school had been fortunate enough to receive a grant to create some sporting areas on two of the three playgrounds.  This includes climbing walls, basketball nets and court areas.  To increase the times that children could use these areas and therefore be active, and to prolong the life of these areas, fencing was purchased.


The children have improved in their gross motor skills as a result of this and challenge themselves to travel across the climbing walls using increasingly more challenging routes.  This has also greatly increased children’s understanding of the need to be tenacious and practice a skill.


The PE equipment, courts and nets have improved teamwork and hand/ eye co-ordination for individuals.  Because these facilities can be used with great regularity, the children’s gross motor skills are of a high standard.  This is supported by the Early Years data which shows physical development (moving and handling) to be one of the areas where children achieve most highly with 90% of the children achieving at least the expected level in this area.  This is an 8% increase on the previous year and brings the school in line with national averages.


Sport Week

Sport week is held in the summer term and is an opportunity for children to take part in a range of different sporting activities.  This encourages participation and helps children find a sport that interests them.  All children participate in a range of sports over the course of the week.


For the first time this year, the school held a family sports day at the end of sports week.  Students from Mill Chase School also provided assistance with the activities.  The morning started with a carousel of activities which included all children and finished with some races providing a more competitive element to the day.  The races were optional but virtually every child chose to take part, including many of the toddlers who had come along to watch.  The nursery children also held their own event at the same time.  The sports day was very well received by children and parents alike and the vast majority of children had family members present to cheer them along.  The active morning culminated in a picnic lunch.  Many parents commented on how much they enjoyed the day. 


Gugafit Workshops

The school uses Mr Dan White from Gugafit to work with the children every week.  Initially Mr White worked with the school on Sport Relief Day encouraging all the children to be active through lively dance sessions.


Mr White now works in the school every Friday.  The sessions are extremely active and the children find them very enjoyable.  Teachers are using the sessions to work alongside and observe Mr White and this has impacted on all PE lessons across the school being more active and therefore increasing pupil fitness levels.


Mr White also runs a sports activity club on a Friday lunchtime which promotes teamwork and the learning of specific skills.

